So I just saw this icon of Todd Howard/Godd Howard on Reddit, and guess what?
It just works.
So I just saw this icon of Todd Howard/Godd Howard on Reddit, and guess what?
It just works.
Not to disparage your title, but there's really nothing Godd-like about that icon (tho it's nice).
Why call him Godd Howard? It's less of a joke to more of a disturbing worship on his actions that aren't even close to remarkable. Isn't the term "It just works" supposed to be a mockery about how he can't explain crap, along with building up lies?
Either way, nice icon.
I saw that on Reddit. Its weird seeing Todd "The Godd" Howard's face in a drawn form.
Fixed the black line (on the right hand side) and will assign this as my FO4 Shortcut Icon. Nice find!
Truly a work of magical iconic technology. The one who sees all-guides all-comforts all-Todd Howard a man of the ages!
I wonder if there will be a Peter Hines Icon. Just imagine the uncontrollable unstoppable advertising power it would contain. The shining brilliance of unbound symbolism in revelations not to be denied!
Todd Howard the movie trailer.
If the guy croaks tommorow, there will likely be a Todd Howard movie just like Steve Jobs got his. Now what would the title be???