I have to agree considering they have said there is something like 400 hours of gameplay to fo 4 and that's not including any mods people make that will extend the game with new content or dlc's that will come later on.
The modders will enhance the game world to an appropriate size for a next gen.
This could have just been a comment in one of the other TWO map threads....
I'm going to be honest, there are still parts of Blackreach I haven't explored. One of the best dungeons of any game; wasn't until last year I discovered the hidden dragon.
I agree. Map size is of no importance to me as long as it has lots of content to discover.
Lots of the next gen games may have bigger maps, but that doesn't necessarily make them more exciting to explore.
It seems like each game should have a bigger size. They said this games map size will be as big as Skyrim which was as big as Oblivion in 2005.