Seems logical, it's not a leak, it's official...
Seems logical, it's not a leak, it's official...
Ha. I will have the console on headset, but the app will drive my family crazy
Sweet!! Downloading now. Anyone have a link for the Messaging App thing? My brother sent it to me a few nights ago and I never downloaded it and now I can't find it.
If you search
Fallout C.H.A.T.
you'll get it...
Now if they'll just release it for WP i'll be all set.
Thanks for this,I search for nox and now I can play shelter and PIP-Boy app in my full screen desktop.
Now I don't have to squint to look at my phone when playing this app's.
I've not heard of this NOX app before today. Does it work on Windows 10 as well?
Yes Im using WIN10 64Bit,its on my signature.
Thanks. I feel like such a newb right now. Haven't been around much since nothing was really going on around here other than getting myself in trouble with the mods. I've missed some pretty cool stuff.
A quite simple question :
The fallout pip boy app for android is a really amazing idea. I tested the demo version in english.
Can we expect a version in other languages (in french ) ?
Or maybe the sync with wifi will translate it automaticaly ?
Fallout is a solo game but could become even more with an app like that. ^^ A kind of pilot / co-pilot gameplay.
Sorry for my weak level in english.
May the SPECIAL be with you.
"May the SPECIAL be with you."
I love it!
just downloaded it to my Iphone.
Glad I could help. Shelter on a 24" monitor is a much better experience and the pipboy maps look great as well. I hope to have the pipboy up on my laptop sitting beside me while I play FO4 on my gaming PC might be fun.
Yeah big sreen is fabulous to look at.
I have a 37" Vizio Tv for this past 4 years or so.