I am pretty sure he is making fun of those who watch someone else play and even pay them for it.
I am pretty sure he is making fun of those who watch someone else play and even pay them for it.
If you like sandbox games, enjoyed previous fallout series and you are fan of Skyrim. You have tons of poptarts and other junkfood stored in corner and you have either PC or Xbox One/ps4. Then yes you should consider getting Fallout 4 at somepoint.
I would buy it..if I were you. If you enjoyed skyrim that much I think there's a good chance you'll enjoy fallout 4.
To be perfectly honest, if you aren't bonkers excited about Fallout 4, then buy it in about a month (unless you can get a pre-order bonus of some kind, then just play it in a month)
That is when all of the patches will be in place to fix the (hopefully) small quest bugs, and the first wave of decent mods will be out.
So, I got it, played 161 hours so far. It's good, not as fun as Skyrim, but still fun.
I hear ya Doozerpindan,
Thing is that my Skyrim is soo heavily modded that well it looks better than other 2015 video games. My Skyrim modded of course does far more than most gamers would imagine...Cept walk the dog but almost. Believe me when I say that the view distance is far into the horizon, the colors are vibrant, the combat is interesting and their are several new layors of game mechanics that have all been added over the top with mods.
Fallout 4, in time will likely get a similar treatment so I don't mind. Without mods comparing it to other games well its a fine game and very fun.
4... THOUSAND hours? Holy crap man...
Yeah, obviously free-roaming open world games appeal to you, so yes. It's the same TYPE of game, but the content is of course entirely different.
If your trying to put hours and hours of your personal time into the something like a game than yes I would say get it. If your not set on something like Fallout 4 and are having your doubt's then I would say don't bother. This is a game that take's a lot of time to really get in to it, and if you don't have the patience for it, well, you mine as well pass.
Should you get Fallout 4?
You should not.
Because if you have to come to a game's official forum, and ask it's diehard fans if you should buy it...well, you just don't deserve to have it.
It was meant as a joke.
Please...nobody *cry*.
Yes, there already are.
I haven't experienced any issues with enemy attacks on my Red Rocket base, however, I really haven't built much anywhere else except Sanctuary.
If your a fan of fallout you will probably find some enjoyment with it, if not id suggest skipping this installment.