I agree. I always hate derailing these threads, but seeing these things always makes me want to contest it for some reason.
There seems to be a lot of focus on more cinematic stuff this time, im not sure how much I welcome it. It certainly makes for some good designs, but I am worried about how much this focus may have adverse effects on player agency and stuff like that. The leaks of climbing that one tower is pretty much all I wanted from a next-gen Fallout game though. Aside from the Mass Effect-style conversations, I had a giant grin on my face as I watched the sole survivor maneuver through the world and light up super mutants. Im not too worried, but, well, its like that scene in Fallout 3 with the purifier blowing up with James and Autumn inside. Cutscenes were something we started having with Oblivion, good old Morrowind didn't really have the tech for them, but I always felt limited by having my character stop in place and have things play out around them. I wouldn't call it a strong dislike, and I can't offer any alternative game design that would allow for those dramatic scenes in another way, so meh.