I am probably wearing this thing around the house a bit too much.. http://imgur.com/gallery/4jZxs3s
I am probably wearing this thing around the house a bit too much.. http://imgur.com/gallery/4jZxs3s
Not bad. I'd like to be brutally honest about it... but who am I kidding... I can't even draw one of those helmets let alone make one. I am a frequent visitor of some of these prop/costume/cosplay type of websites. I watch them make some amazing crap for Judge Dredd, Stormtroopers, etc... I wish I could do the same. I'm just not creative like that. At least not yet. Maybe when my patience comes back (it went on vacation a couple years ago and I've not heard from it)... I'll be able to try.
I think there will be many families despairing and giving up on members of their households this coming week...
(mine included)
The initial shape had me concerned, but it really did come together at the end. Good work!
Can't go wrong using a pizza box to make the helmet a 10 to radiation resistence.
I fail at paper mache, had to do one for a project in middle school and mine was so bad that the teacher knew it was mine when she returned them even though my name tag fell of because it was the worst one.
Thanks everyone! I very much appreciate the feedback. 3.. DAYS... LEFT!!!
haha Thanks guys! It was a lot of fun to make.. Now for the rest of the suit lol