Only time I deal with Steam is using their stupid client to play games that I bought from them.
Two reasons first is the old platform and franchise fight.
Worse we grew up during the feature explosion going from Nintendo to 360.
Mores law was the infinite blessing: graphic, features and content doubled every second year for decades.
Now its coming to an end, hardware getting harder to inprove, game are already so large they require AAA movie budgets. Yes its sad, I would like FO4 to so much better than FO3 than Morrowind was over Daggerfall.
Not gone happen another issue, you hardly see the doubling of polygons as its so many.
This is not going from PS1 to 2, you have modeled fingernails not mittens.
Fallout 4 was just spoiled for me in the commentary section on some random place on the internet, the article had nothing to do with videogames, not anywhere close.
Thanks Bethesda for getting my most wanted game spoiled because of your failure to handle distribution and failure to open the game for everyone after such a massive leak. Most of my peasant friends have already been playing it for days.
I didn't plan on getting Fallout 4 for the story alone, but It ruins the experience when you know what's going to happen. I would rather have a bad story than a epic one where I know what's going to happen.
I'm surprised you didn't Thanks, Obama! in all that.
I was about to go to bed, I noticed the pre-load had begun and absent mindedly clicked on the community hub...BAM, major plot spoiler right in my face. Granted, what I saw wasn't as bad as when Bioshock Infinite's twist was spoiled for me but I'm still pretty bummed about it.
Even these forums as a whole aren't safe, I may have just had the ending spoiled by some 'tard over in the [censored] Dishonored 2 forums.
Granted I will have to play the game to know how it all turns out but it still just goes to show that nowhere is safe. I fully expect some "special" people to post spoilers in thread titles after Fallout 4 is released in the various forums around here.
Leave this forum now (BGS forum). I've seen ninja spoilers. Nowhere is safe anymore.
I went to the Fallout Wiki and got spoiled but it was something most of us pretty much expected anyways. It wasn't the ending but it has something to do with a character.
You know not saying the spoiler but hinting at it can be just as bad: "...pretty much expected anyways. It wasn't the ending but it has something to do with a character." " If it's true that's rather disappointing and something people have been predicting for a while now" I mean c'mon, some people may pick up on what you mean.
If that one spoiler is real that would be a dealbreaker for me but how to confirm? I guess i have too look for it in the reviews and then refund if its true.