At first I must say, nice try, Bethesda!
But seems you did have some lack of expertise problems somehow on this kind of trick.
I browsed reviews on, and found out that on some types of android tablets, your pip-boy app messed up.
(Get stuck by stays on a black screen with green "Pip-Boy" letters, and do nothing or crash)
Acer Iconia Tab A500
Motorola Xoom
Samsung Galaxy
Toshiba AT100
And I even noticed that there is a Samsung Galaxy user, his tablet gets no problem with your "fallout shelter" app, but screwed by pip-boy app...
(Yes unfortunately I have an xoom which can't run this version of pip-boy. FYI its OS is 4.0+, can perfect run apps up-to-date, for instance, like Microsoft's Xbox SmartGlass, like Ubisoft's 'assassin's creed' companion app)
Please, work harder,Bethesda!