...legitimately? Are time zones being considered? Seems unfair if that is the case. Thanks.
...legitimately? Are time zones being considered? Seems unfair if that is the case. Thanks.
VPN. The game is out in New Zealand, so they change region on Steam and register an IP with NZ. Suddenly they are in another timezone and they got access.
That's what I figured. Should have just unlocked at the same time for everyone, instead. Doesn't matter, really. Funstock seems to be either down or swamped at the moment. So, I can't even retrieve my key, anyway.
it unlocked 12am nov 10th here in Australia, which was just over an hour ago
Amazon has the PC Digital version listed as "Available Now."
It is not "just a few more hours" for me. If I wait until it releases on the time announced, ill only get to play it for an hour or two tonight because i work early. So the difference is an entire day, because people usually sleep at night on weekdays. And besides, if thousands of people do it, i seriously doubt they would punish them all. It felt like moving mountains just to get them to start banning people for posting spoilers in the forums.
I think it's because they can give out the Steam key but it's for pre-loading in most of the world still.
Me neither, i can wait a few more hours to do this legally.
That makes sense, I kind of wish I'd gone digital now.
Funstock messed up big time... BUT, you need to contact them at [email protected] and provide them your order number and they will send you your key. I got my key now from there. But I was early about asking them for it by mail. But it's worth a try, they are probably swamped atm. They should have been better prepared.
Main issue is that blocking you on steam will block you from all your steam games, for an action who is not illegal, very innocent and an exploit of their own weal system.
EU is already very critical to Steam practice, doing this at some scale would have serious consequences.
Damn, Beth didn't contact you and ask what would be the best time to release the game?!? Those jerks
Ya. https://twitter.com/FunStockDigital?ref_src=http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1543986-how-are-pc-players-able-to-play-probably-a-dumb-question/twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
What the hell?? Was I the only one Todd came to? We went out for beers and ended up at the strip club. We stayed up all night partying and talking about the game. I thought he visited everyone who preordered. All in the same night, defying the laws of time and space. Like some kind of gaming Santa Claus
So what you are saying is that steam bans people who want to protect their privacy? Sounds like the NSA to me.
You could've just done what a lot of people did. Took time off from work. That's what I did. Except I should've just taken Tuesday and Wednesday off instead of Monday and Tuesday. But it's OK, I'll start playing at midnight till 1500 tomorrow; then I'll go to the range with a buddy.