Just a good article seeing how different GPUs perform for fallout 4 on PC'S.
Just a good article seeing how different GPUs perform for fallout 4 on PC'S.
But if your wondering and dont want to look through the page 1080P ultra settings at 60FPS+ start from the:
GTX 970
R9 290X
the GTX 960 is average 53 FPS and the R9 285 is 54FPS, so still pretty good if you want to save some money.
yeah seeing how 980 performed helped with trying to benchmark my R9 fury frames are gonna drop
I was disappointed they didn't show anything older than the 900 series (aside from the rock bottom 550 ti and the 750).
I'm encouraged by the comment about "huge view distance." I'll actually trade for long view distances that might reduce pop-in now, and wait for the texture mods that will come out in a few months. From a player's perspective it's easier to fix textures than view distances.
But anyway, in terms of hardware, it looks like if you're playing 1080p you'll be fine at Ultra if you're using a single 700 series card or above, depending on your sensitivity to sub 30 FPS dips. I personally don't care if I drop below 30 now and then. If you can SLI a pair of 560's or 600 series you should be good to go as well.
Yeah i agree, i love being up high and being able to see far away.
I've got the GTX 960 2GB so I may just turn shadow distance to Medium and it should be good for me (1920x1080).
id guess that turning down shadows a smidge would get you the solid 60+ with everything else at ultra.
Good to see my R9 290x will be able to get good performance without sacrificing quality.
It's always a bit of a guess what a developer means with "recommended".
Eurogamer has a nice review using a budget PC consisting of an i3 4130 / GTX 750ti combo. The gist of the article is that when you match your PC visuals with the consoles, you will actually never drop below 30fps and much of the time stay around 40. He explains what sliders to adjust to achieve this. He actually states that a 750 ti gives you significantly more headroom than the consoles and that you can have noticeably better visuals at the same FPS as console who tend to dip below 30fps at certain places. He also states that the game is quite multi-core aware and that when running a quad, the load is spread evenly over all the cores.
Kinda off topic, PC physical disk has 5.3GB of data. Not sure if people knew this but just a heads up.
Sweet, my new R9 390X will do just fine with this game.
I'm playing Fallout 4 now on PC with the Day 1 patch on, and can say this game has no fps problems at all, sitting there at a steady 60 fps (vsync on with everything on ultra), and looks amazing!
Thanks for posting. Very useful indeed.
Holding up well against the plain ol' 980 there. My R9 390 non-X will not be far behind. Looks like it will average around 60fps @ 1440p. Me and my Freesync monitor can live with that.
Sweet, thanks for posting! Good to know my R9 290 should be just fine with 1080/ultra, maybe just having to trim shadows a bit back or something like that.
I wonder how two cards or more would fair.