Not that I can force people to post in one thread, but I'll go ahead and start this one as I'm sure we'll all be acting like gleeful school-girls hopped up on sugar and One Direction over the next day or two and want to document every second of our orders being sent to us - like gleeful school-girls hopped up on sugar and One Direction writing in their diaries, or whatever it is that kids do these days. I'm hoping this can also serve as a useful frame of reference for others who have pre-ordered form the same place.
So here we go! Got my Pip-boy edition from Gamestop. They just emailed me that my order has been processed, and with one day shipping, that should mean I get it tomorrow (one day after processing). I'm stoked! Especially since over the weekend, some yahoo that worked there said it won't be processed until the 10th and I wouldn't get it until the 11th (in contrast to what every other GS employee and an email said).
How about you? Post with order status, retailer, and shipping method
- - - - - EDIT - - - - -
Just a quick note, please do not post spoilers in this thread (which no one has done so at the time of this edit so good on them!). This is not intended to be an AMA thread, just a place to rejoice receiving it or knowing it's on its way, or for others to help them gauge when they'll get it - thanks!