5 Reviews ... so average 8.5!

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:54 am

From what I read left and right there are a few things that people complain about regarding the PC version like:

* Game's physics being locked with the frame rate in the same fashion as Dark Souls.

* The game's physical box containing only one dvd meaning one will have to download about 18-20gbs either way.

* The game being too performance hungry without looking good enough to justify its hardware requirements.

* Too many bugs and glitches.

* They say nVidia did stuff to sabotage the performance of AMD cards in the game.

Mostly the last point seem to gather most attention.

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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:38 pm

Reviews? Who needs reviews when the dumbing down is so blatant.

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Nicole M
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:36 pm

Interesting you would say that, since I was on the CDPR forums for the broken Xbox One version and happened to see PC gamers with just as many issues. The Witcher 3 was broken out of the gate on all platforms for weeks at the very least and I was unable to play the Xbox One version for over a month with all of the issues I experienced.

Point is: If a game can't function, then it isn't a masterpiece. If a game is missing an entire third of its story, then it isn't a masterpiece. If a game has been gated behind microtransactions, then the game isn't a masterpiece. Based on the reviews I have read for Fallout 4 and the leaks, the game is not a masterpiece. 10/10 reviews are just bullcrap.

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rebecca moody
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:52 pm

No offense but that's a laughable assertion. One, its far too early to really say that, and two, this game will only "bomb" in the minds of elitist partisans. This thing is going to sell a ton...Beth's adversaries know it...they're PO'd, and the funny part is Bethesda hardly did anything to market it.

Sales don't automatically mean "good" of course, but they are a key indicator of what the market wants and are the key determinant about what we will see in the future.

Much of this is the same thing as the campaign against Bioware...but of course they deserved it for the disasters they are becoming known for. But 6 hours into this game, (and I've been extraordinarily critical of the development path Beth has taken), I can honestly say up to this point at least, they've delivered big time. It's not everything I want and they cut some stuff out I wanted, but if this 6 hours is any indication of the rest of the game, Bethesda wins again...and that really pi$$es their critics off whose favored developers struggle to sell a few million games.

Bethesda made me a believer (...again), this game plays and looks fantastic, and is a worthy addition to the franchise. Yeah, its a little early for me to say that, but I don't see me thinking much different 200 in-game hours from now.
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:12 am

User scores lol

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:37 pm

'Bombed' is a harsh term, I'd rather say it failed to meet some peoples expectations. To bomb, I think a game should cumulate low sales, low critic scores and low user scores. Or at least a combination of those. So far we don't have official sales, the critic reviews are positive or very positive, and the user scores are pretty much divided.

Yes, Metacritic is unexpectedly low for a game by Bethesda but what about Steam, have you checked Steam user reviews?

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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:05 am

User scores don't mean anything. Skyrim's used to be a lot higher, then they tried the paid mod thing and their user ratings got tanked by protest votes. Guess what, a lot of those protest voters are still mad. People hold grudges.

Want to determine how good Fallout 4 really is compared to the rest of this years games? Come back at the end of 2017 or 2018 and see which single player title is still being played the most.

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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:48 am

Best way to review a theme park is to put around 100 hours & at least 5 playthroughs into it. Give it a month & you'll see the real opinion on the game as everything has been done by then. Written reviews are usually worth no more than the [censored] on a person's boots due to personal bias as it is; add in money & it makes it worse. At the end of the day if you enjoy it that is all that matters; not talking heads paid to be shills.

You must not know or like basic logic if you take offence to it. Small tip: Offence is taken not given. : )

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:42 pm

The reviews are mainly for PC, it is a terribly bad port. Anyone that says otherwise are happy with little I guess. Control scheme and Keybindings (hardcoded) are atrocious to anyone that does not fit the norm aka, left handers, or people that do not use Qwerty Keyboards. (I am a left hander on a french keyboard I am screwed rofl ) The total lack of graphic options, V-Sync forced on by default wich is probably what is causing the stuttering for most players, the bad interface for Kb&M in general hell even the control scheme for gamepads on pc is messed up apparently. Also the Pyscis engines is yet again tied down to the refresh rate ....

Even thow fallout 4 might be a great game in a few months with mods to fix all the [censored] issues. If most of these issues did not exist people would be more forgiving of the rest of the game, aka out dated engine and graphics (the creation engine should of been ditched years ago) things would of gone smoother.... But people are taking all the defects and issues they have as a whole and venting out.

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Albert Wesker
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:21 pm

it's a good port... everyone who played New Vegas, 3 or even Skyrim should be able to easily understand how the UI and all the controls work

there are tons of graphic options as well... in the same menu, like in Skyrim and the older Fallouts... before you start the game

the interface is mainly the same as in Fallout 3 and NV? I got used to it within seconds...

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:27 am

Still basic graphic options, missing in game, V-sync and gamma for example (ways around it but still) and I am sorry I could probably find a few hundred people who are left handers, or use a different keyboard, or just want to use numpad, and use something different than wasd that would agree with me.

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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:43 am

I know everyone wants to totally discount the metacritic user scores but hear me out:

Metacritic user scores svck.

But it goes both ways.

Yeah, there are hundreds of ridiculously low scores, some of which are probably from people who just want to hate

But there are also hundreds of ridiculously high scores, which ignore the problems of the game.

In the end, it balances out because there are extremists on BOTH sides, and the user score still has SOME value to it.

So, right now the user score says 5.1. What does that tell us?

It tells us that, among all the idiots and trolls giving the game insanely high or low scores, there is a REASON why the score is settling in the middle. Among those idiots are people who actually DO love the game. Among those idiots are people who are having MASSIVE problems with the game.

That 5.1 is more legitimate than you think. It means people have mixed feelings for the game. That's all. Don't focus on the specific reviews, focus on what they're saying as a whole.

Edit: To those who think some of the positive reviews aren't just as dumb as the negative ones:

"10 because I think it's funny that there's almost as many positive reviews as there are negative reviews. "

"First I'll write a review on the game, then I'll write a review on the gamers writing the reviews. "

"after 10 hours feels like fallout 3.5 (same old gameplay + settlements) " Still gave it a 10

Oh and sorry for the weird boxes around the words, that always happens when you try and copy-paste text from metacritic.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:50 pm


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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:24 am

It isn't my logic that needs working on. ;-)
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:47 pm

OMG lol what's with the pc version, does it really svck so bad or people are still upset about the paid mods? I dunno, a Bethesda game with a user score of 4.9 (RED!) is something that I didn't expect.

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:00 am

I think that the answer is very simple. They don't like the game. Bethesda changed it too much and they released it in an unstable state.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:24 am

The only "con" I've found in F4 (PC) so far is that someday I will finish it. :nope:


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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:46 am

Weird, i am running it on a pure AMD system with a 270X even and i have most settings on ultra and a steady 60 fps. It wasn't even locked at 30 fps when i started up the game. Well thanks for the answer anyway.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:31 am


Look, if you like the game more power to you. I'm glad!

Are there trolls out there posting zeroes for no reason? Of course! But there are also trolls posting 10's for no reason. This happens with EVERY popular game.

There's a reason Fallout 4 has such a low user score: a lot of people just don't like it.

Does that mean you can't like it? Of course not.

But please stop writing off our criticisms as trolling.

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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:52 pm

What the heck happened?
Fallout 4's metacritic score is now at 87 on both PC and PS4, and 88 Xbox One.
That's an 87.5 average and BGS worst ever critical reception for a game.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:41 am

There's lots of issues people are having with the game: the game crashing on startup, framerate being tied to simulation speed (which is impossible to fix without working from the ground-up), things like the dialogue system, the terrible AI (which was in previous game sure, but I think games should improve over their predecessors), the cliche story, uninspired characters, there's a lot of legitimate complaints some people are having.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:17 am

Lol at the Metacritic user scores, a person saying Fallout 4 story was a let down from the "BRILLIANT" Skyrim :rofl:

Also a person whining about FOV sliders, mouse acceleration and lack of SLI support..... on the PS4 user reviews

Metacritic is one cancer inducing dunghole.

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