It's a shame I've had to copy-paste this so much today:
It is highly doubtful Bethesda will ever fix this problem. Don't count on them to do so.
Remember Skyrim's massive problems on the PS3?
Remember the game-breaking save bugs in Oblivion that corrupted your oldest, most precious saves?
Remember the MASSIVE "unofficial patches" that fix literally thousands of bugs Bethesda never did?
Remember when Bethesda just stopped patching Skyrim even though it was still rife with bugs for hundreds of people?
I've spent so much time and energy making polls and starting petitions trying to get this stuff fixed.
It never works. Bethesda does not care. They have your money.
If the head bob is making it so you can not play the game, refund your game. Wait for mods to fix Bethesda's problems. That's the only solution. Bethesda will not fix this for you.