First off, I am not trying to be a troll even though I expect I will most likely see some heated responses. My apologies for the upcoming Wall of Text.
I have early-onset Parkinson's Disease which severely limits my manual dexterity. As a result, I essentially play the game with one hand and then use the other thumb to press the specific mouse button required. This condition, as I'm sure you can imagine, makes it take a rather long time to perform most tasks. Combat, for example, will be well-nigh impossible if the game is played as a First Person Shooter (FPS), In the older versions of the game, VATS made all the difference as it was possible to, firstly, take the necessary agility and perks to enhance my action points and VATS abilities and, secondly, play the game tactically so that I always had sufficient APs to allow me to use VATS.
I know that VATS is in the new version! The problem is that the producer of this game has stated that the game is much more an FPS than the previous versions. Rather than time standing still during VATS it now appears that time continue to run slowly during this period. Unfortunately, after watching the previously released videos, it looks like I would have two major issues with this:
1. I would not be able to select a target and/or target location at which to aim and fire during the available time as slowness of movement and hesitation are two of my primary PD symptoms.
2. Stress for people with PD exacerbates our symptoms. Yes, I am well aware that games can both cause and relieve stress. In this instance, though, that timer limiting VATS and the inability to respond in time would cause sufficient stress to make the game impossible to play.
To wrap this up, the questions are:
1. Will there be a switch to change the VATS timer to either the old style (no time passes) or to greatly increase the amount of time available?
2. Does the move towards this being more if an FPS game make the game less playable for those of us who have disabilities of this or other types?
3. Previous versions of the game had a difficulty slider. Would that also be available? (Yes, I am that person who can not complete any game at anything above Novice or Easy level).
4. Would gamesas be willing to add that functionality to the game for those individuals who self-identify as differently-abled?
TL;DR version ---> See subject of topic.