Will it be possible to revert to old-style VATS ?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:18 pm

First off, I am not trying to be a troll even though I expect I will most likely see some heated responses. My apologies for the upcoming Wall of Text.

I have early-onset Parkinson's Disease which severely limits my manual dexterity. As a result, I essentially play the game with one hand and then use the other thumb to press the specific mouse button required. This condition, as I'm sure you can imagine, makes it take a rather long time to perform most tasks. Combat, for example, will be well-nigh impossible if the game is played as a First Person Shooter (FPS), In the older versions of the game, VATS made all the difference as it was possible to, firstly, take the necessary agility and perks to enhance my action points and VATS abilities and, secondly, play the game tactically so that I always had sufficient APs to allow me to use VATS.

I know that VATS is in the new version! The problem is that the producer of this game has stated that the game is much more an FPS than the previous versions. Rather than time standing still during VATS it now appears that time continue to run slowly during this period. Unfortunately, after watching the previously released videos, it looks like I would have two major issues with this:

1. I would not be able to select a target and/or target location at which to aim and fire during the available time as slowness of movement and hesitation are two of my primary PD symptoms.

2. Stress for people with PD exacerbates our symptoms. Yes, I am well aware that games can both cause and relieve stress. In this instance, though, that timer limiting VATS and the inability to respond in time would cause sufficient stress to make the game impossible to play.

To wrap this up, the questions are:

1. Will there be a switch to change the VATS timer to either the old style (no time passes) or to greatly increase the amount of time available?

2. Does the move towards this being more if an FPS game make the game less playable for those of us who have disabilities of this or other types?

3. Previous versions of the game had a difficulty slider. Would that also be available? (Yes, I am that person who can not complete any game at anything above Novice or Easy level).

4. Would gamesas be willing to add that functionality to the game for those individuals who self-identify as differently-abled?


TL;DR version ---> See subject of topic.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:16 pm

I imagine someone will make a mod for this, so if you're on PC it should be easy to implement.

If you play on console you'll eventually have access to some mods, but we're still not sure what type of mods exactly are going to be making their way to console.

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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:56 pm

I'm not 100% sure, but I would highly doubt that there is an option to switch VATS back into it's FO3 mode. I think your best bet, like Pluto said, is to see if a mod comes out that will cause time stoppage in VATS, which I'm sure one will be made for that.

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:15 pm

Thanks! Yes, I use a PC. So, I'm hoping that this might be an easy mod to roll out. Hint, hint, anyone? B)

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:52 pm

I convinced myself to purchase the game and found out that I actually enjoyed the changes to VATS. There was a learning curve to get past though in the new version. If you target a location in VATS and then wait for the critter to move out of cover, those are just lost shots. You will fire at where the target WAS when the selection was made and not where it IS when you accept the targeting. Learning just that made a real difference!

One thing I don't care for is when you get an indication that Dogmeat found something. That is nice and all but there should be some kind of indicator that would show just to WHERE the critter had run off! I'm actually thinking of using the Ghost Dogmeat mod to help with that situation. A suggestion might be to make Dogmeat start glowing and sending off flares as a position indicator. :)

Thanks, Bethesda! This game is so far meeting and exceeding (almost) all of my expectations.

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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:56 am

I play on PC with an attached game pad, and I'm horrible at selecting things in V.A.T.S. There's at least one mod to revert to the old-style V.A.T.S. which I loaded yesterday. Now V.A.T.S. is usable as it is less frenetic and I can take my time. I couldn't be happier.

I can't post links, so you can search for "Classic V.A.T.S." at the Nexus Mods website.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:21 am

Hi Thorwitz

Sorry to hear about your Parkinsons, but I'm delighted you still find ways to keep on playing. +1

Anyway, yes there is already a mod for this on The Nexus.

It's called "Classic V.A.T.S" and has a number of versions, depending on the speed you want. I'm pretty certain one of the options is the classic freeze-frame you need.

I can't get this $%&^ forum to allow me put a link in, or even paste it directly... sigh.

Well, if you go to the Nexus Fallout 4 file section and search for file name contains "Classic", it's the first result at the moment.

Edit: Ninja'ed by a fish! :wavey:

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Paul Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:01 pm

The are already a couple of mods on the Nexus that revert VATS to the old method.

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Janine Rose
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:50 pm


Hope it does the trick for you! A difficulty slider is in the game by default :)

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Haley Cooper
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:35 pm

Muahahaha! Berevity, baby. :goodjob:

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:32 pm

Sorry you have Parkinson's, it's a terrible disease. That said, gamesas doesn't OWE you anything due to your misfortune. I'm glad someone has modded VATS to the old system, but no one owes you anything. And please, "Self Identify"???, you are either disabled or you aren't, your feels about it don't change reality. If I "Self Identify" as a black woman, I'm still a white man, that's how the real world works.

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