Survival because of what i saw in someones stream the game was too easy on normal.
Survival because of what i saw in someones stream the game was too easy on normal.
Is there better loot on survival mode?
Can someone outline what the difference between difficulty levels is (if any), and is survival mode a difficulty setting, or a separate setting like in FONV?
I've started on Normal. Everything was going really easy, and I hardly used any Stimpacks. I was about to up the difficulty, but I just ran into an area where my character is being repeated slaughtered. So ... I think I'll stick with Normal for now.
Survival difficulty triggers the spawn of legendary enemies, carrying the corresponding loot. You take more damage and stimpacks, heal over time at a snail's pace. You need to utilize cover, like the enemy npcs do -in fact, they could show you -and me- a thing or two
And you need to start making attack plans, instead of waltzing in and taking bullets in the face -otherwise it won't work
Just noticed this, even on Normal. The enemy AI is definitely smarter. They take cover, peek out to take pot shots, and attempt to move if you've got them pinned down. They'll also attempt to flank you.
So what's "Legendary Loot"? Anything you can't get from normal enemies?
I'll probably start with Normal, since this is a Bethesda game and in all their previous titles their idea of difficulty is "just give enemies way more hitpoints".
I'm playing it on normal, mainly because I detest bullet sponges. Which is annoying because there's more chance of Legendary items appearing on higher difficulties. Why do devs do this? Nobody likes bullet sponges. They should just make it so that you take more damage, armour offers less protection, smarter AI. Shouldn't have to be shotgunning a ghouls head numerous times.