Game Breaking Crashes for multiple Quests

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:08 pm

I can't complete the Silver Shroud quest line as the game continually crashes if I approach Northy.

If this was the first time this location had ruined my enjoyment of fallout 4 then I could maybe look the other way. However this is the second quest, after the Brotherhood of Steel quest line that stops me from being able to approach the BADTFL building.

This is just unfortunate as I am loving this game, and this has almost made me want to stop playing it as it is clearly going to affect my game constantly. This needs to be addressed ASAP by Bethesda as I am clearly not the only player being effected. PC players can at least get around the issue with console commands, I feel as if I am being made to play an unnecessarily inferior product.

Hopefully this is addressed very quickly.
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luis ortiz
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