Help - Spoils of War Glitch ( Need Agitator ID )

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:52 am

I was aiming to get all the achievements in Fallout 4, until I had the "Spoils of War" quest come up. The quest tells me to fly to Mass Fusion and pick up the Beryllium Agitator for Proctor Ingram. Earlier in the game, I picked up same Beryllium Agitator and gave it to Allie Filmore, ( scientist for Institute ), and now I plan it to give it to Ingram.

I flew back to Mass Fusion to make sure the agitator would refresh, or show up or something. But It was gone and not in the reactor. I couldn't go back to a save where I didn't give Allie the Agitator already. It's either a save millions of quests before starting the "Molecular Level" quest, ( getting into the institute ), or a save where I already gave it to Allie. I already tried several ways to try to get the agitator back.

- Looked back in saves ( Explained, it would take a long time. )

- Looked up item ID codes, ( Agitator ID wasn't listed at all in any of the wikis. )

- Went to "coc qasmoke", ( room where almost every item in Fallout 4 could be found, wasn't there. )

- Used console to identify agitator code in previous saves. ( It wouldn't detect the agitator. )

I tried every possible way to find it, but none worked. So I'll put this in one simple sentence; Please if possible, I need to find the ID code for the "Beryllium Agitator", so I can finish my quests and achievements.

- Thanks, Peridonkle.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:03 pm

Beryllium Agitator ID: 9A5D1

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Laura Samson
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:23 am

Thank you so much, I'll test it out soon.

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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:41 am

It works, but the part of the quest that says "Proceed to the Reactor Level" glitches, even though I'm already in there.

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:49 am

Hmm, I'll see if I can figure out which stage is needed. Just to make sure (as I haven't played that quest yet), you are talking about the quest called Spoils of War. If you could, give me a brief description of any quest stages you already know about - like if you have a relatively recent save, run through it again and tell me what the stage names are. I'll try without that info now, but it's a shot in the dark without the CK.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:26 am

Nevermind, I deleted the glitched save and started it over again to see if it works, thanks anyway.

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Katey Meyer
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:05 pm

Well, and I'm guessing here, you could try this:

If you've already resolved some kind of power failure and have arrived in the Mass Fusion Reactor level but the game won't progress...

Enter the console and type:

setstage FDC8C 120

There may be conditions that can never be met because of the prior usage of the Agitator. But stage 120 is logged as, "After fighting my way through Mass Fusion, I've arrived at the Reactor Level. I now need to find a way to remove the Beryllium Agitator from the reactor."

Or try:

setstage FDC8C 150

That's the stage where the player takes the agitator.

If all else fails, try:

setstage FDC8C 250

(exit the console for a second then reenter and type:)

setstage FDC8C 255

These two commands should complete the quest and get you on your way to your achievement - though without the fun.

EDIT: Spent the better part of 30 minutes writing this comment and missed yours regarding ignoring it.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:44 am

I started the whole quest again, I already have some saves before I enter the elevator, and I tested one of the saves, once I came out the elevator, the stages wasn't triggered. And when I attempted to use the agitator with the ID you gave me, she just replies with "It's a mess down here" or something not related to giving her the agitator.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:29 pm

Alright, it now says I finished the "Spoils of War" quest. Do I go back to the airport, add the id to get the agitator and just insert said agitator into Prime, and done? Correct if I'm wrong, thanks.

EDIT: I just did everything you told me, I am now finishing up "Ad Victorium", on my way to 50 achievements. Thank you so much for the instructions.

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Charlie Sarson
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