So, this is mostly a heads up for those of you who may get the illness but didn't get hit. I did a perfect run, first time without even knowing that I couldn't cure it, because I read the old Overseer's Terminal and figured that they'd be super deadly contagious and stuff.
Anyway, I finished but I had the disease and was travelling alone, so... How did I get it?
After some testing, I've discovered that if you reactivate the other Protectron and IT gets bitten, then YOU will catch the disease!
Stupid, I know, but I figured I should tell people so that they can avoid this dumb glitch.
I'll be posting about Tina De Luca and Holt Combes too, seeing as I'm fairly sure that she will not leave the Vault because she's tied up with him in that affair they're having. I killed him, and it doesn't seem to have fixed it. I've also tried all possible conversation outcomes with Tina at the end of Dependency and with Alexis Combes. I think I'll just revert to an earlier save pre-Dependency and wait for a patch.