Silver Shroud (completed)

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:56 pm

Finished the SS questline on another playthrough, its easily the funniest quest in the game for me and I'd happily spend the entire game 'Speaking as Shroud'.

I think the Shroud works better with a female character than a male, also I can't be sure but was the Shroud originally female? The dialogue occasionally refers to the shroud as 'she' but I think they are only talking about the armour.

As it can be upgraded I think I'll be playing as the shroud for a long time.

"You citizen have committed foul deeds and I the Silver Shroud am here to make you pay for your crimes!"

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:59 am

Was you played as female? All the lines referred to my character as male. Shroud is a parody of male superhero Green Hornet from the look of it. They're both originated from the radio and was popular as street vigilante. They're both from very similar time period as well.

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sara OMAR
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:13 pm

The Shadow, not the Green Hornet. Herbert "Daring" Dashwood was more akin to the format of Green Hornet, with the martial arts wielding man servant sidekick.

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