Dying a lot - could use a little help. Also: character edits

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:46 am

So I was trying to do the "Road to Freedom" quest, given that I got it relatively early. Along the Freedom trail, I ran across three groups of super mutants. I didn't really want to fight them so I attempted to sneak past at night. Almost instant detection at groups 2 and 3. I died in about 15 attempts, mostly of grenades. Fighting groups 2 and 3 was even worse. Instant death, mostly of suidicers and, of course, grenades. Or mutant hounds. Eventually, I just ran past and killed the single mutant hound that followed me, and that finallyed worked. I guess I might've come here with power armor and minigun but these are just normal enemies, so I didn't. What I'd like to know is this:

(1) Am I just in an area where enemies are especially tough, or am I supposed to deal with them at my level? I'm level 15, not really combat-oriented but rather a sneaker and talker. I do have PER 6 so I'm not abysmally bad at aiming, but I don't have any ranged combat perks. I also have very low END. My perks are Locksmith 3, Hacker....3?, Gun Nut 2, Local Leader 2, Science! 1, the sneak bonus perk at 3, and one STR upgrade.

(2) Do I need better weapons? I have three weapons modified with everything that's possible with Gun Nut 2: a silenced 10mm pistol (DMG 32), a .308 sniper rifle (DMG 55) and the laser rifle Righteous Authority (DMG 31 I think it was). Usually, if I find a good sniper perch and keep out of throwing range, I can deal with groups like those mentioned above, for instance at the water treatment plant, but otherwise I die. A lot.

(3) Some enemies eat ammo like mad. Mirelurks, for one, and for some reason whenever I run into them there's at least one Legendary one. Is this normal or do I need better weapons? I'm not really short on ammo but it needs careful management, especially 10mm ammo and fusion cells.

(4) In general, are enemies scaled to my level or not?

(5) I would like to sneak more, but Dogmeat apparently can't, or won't sneak very well. I keep him around because he tends to make himself a target while I can concentrate on offense, but I'd rather have a companion who can sneak better. Who should I take?

(6) Is there anything I can do to reduce the danger of grenades? Dealing with those is a pain.


Minor character edits:

I misapplied my "You're SPECIAL" book and so I had to "waste" a perk point on STR. Now I'd like to edit my character to reflect that. I don't have any perks dependent on the attributes I'd like to change but I spent a perk point on STR which I'd like to have back. I also want to move 1 point from LCK to STR. The SPECIAL upgrade perks don't have an ID, so I guess they just raise the attribute? So all I need to do with console commands is lower my LCK, keep my STR as it was *with* the perk and add another perk, right?

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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:19 am

The short answer is you are in a very rough part of town. Got very lost over that way looking for goodneighbor and it was constant fighting from levels 28 - 32 until i finally killed everyone.

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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:34 am

One tip regarding the suiciders - try to shoot their bomb arm, while they are standing next to other enemies. Multiple deaths with a single shot. Another useful tactic is sending a companion charging towards the suicider.

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Wayne W
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