That's the point. The idea for the fusion core popping out and manual replacement is supposed to interfere with the action/fighting. That's the point of immersion. If someone is trying to hurt/kill you, they won't stop for you to 'take a breathe'.
Remember to, this isn't actually in the game and is an 'idea' that could be marked as an OPTION within game.
If you want to run and gun, play on easy and kill everything. If you want a more 'survivalist' aspect and experience, than this could be a very viable option for some.
BTW, it's not a stupid idea. You talk about 'game play mechanics' like Fallout 4 was supposed to be a shoot-em-up?
okay....soi you agree with me, that immersion does not 100% = realism. The OP was acting like Immersion = realism then got annoyed when i pointed out that for most people it does not, that For a lot of people, having to get out of the suit and do that would BREAK their immersion. So again, the FACT is that immersion does not and never will equal realism. Realism ONLY HELPS with immersion it does not equal it.
Not a good idea....but a hilarious one if you're playing as evil.
These were built to replace tanks, and where do tanks have their engines/fuel? On the back end to prevent them from getting damage by incoming fire.
I will only find it amazing if I can request a drop point for Power Armor,
and yes power core should be manually reloaded, cause you can only insert it from behind, auto reload cores just lame.
Well i am stuck on 1 thing ... Can someone explain me the reason for the core to be ejected if theres no automatic reload or a fast reload mechanism(We are carrying tons of them on us so please no radiation crap:) ). I mean asking for something saying it would be realistic than giving no reason for that action to happen doesnt fit. Also Laughed a lot at siren idea being immersive. "Hey Boston check my siren, it means my core is empty so any raider or mutant in the area run here and rip me into pieces". To finish i dont really care if they add something like this as long as its optional hell they can even make the suit to do tap dance when core finishes as long as i dont have to deal with it
The Fusion Core system annoys me too. Not because of the reloading thing but because the entire thing is immersion breaking. You have bots that are presumably running on FCs for hundreds of years and yet the one in your power armor depletes faster than a cell phone battery? Besides, I thought that only the T-45's had a depleting core. As I remember the later models had a practically unlimited power source. Could be a faulty memory on my part but even with a depleting core, it goes by way too fast. Yes I know; game balance. It is for that reason that a given caliber of bullet suddenly does much less damage just because you can fire a lot of them at once. Even the internal logic is broken.
I can hardly wait for the GECK to come out so I can fix some of the dumbness.
Bethesda should add a charging system to the fusion cores. I'm 63 hours in, so i'm not sure if there IS a charging feature... But having that feature keeps me from worrying about the "limited" fusion cores in the game.. its because of this issue that I HAVE NEVER USED THE POWER ARMOR IN THOSE 63 HOURS (with the exception of the deathclaw at the beginning of the game where you pickup your first armor)
I find it also restricting that you have to go back to where you parked your armor and wear it in order to be able to use it. I'm saving fusion cores, so unless the mission is going to be intense, which the game doesn't let you know until you ACTUALLY find out during the mission, i tend to keep my armor parked all the way in sanctuary hills :/
IDEA: In addition to the charging system, i suggest to add an "Armor-to-personnel-homing" (ATPH) system (Similar to Iron Man's), that works like the flare gun & the Vertibird grenades we use in game to call in support. Instead of reinforcements, your Power Armor drops down in the battlefield like a boss!!!
It might be an OP idea.. So like MGSV, make us fork some caps for those ATPHs (similar to its supply drops system)
PS: As i said, I'm 63 hours in the game, so if the stuff i mentioned happens to ACTUALLY be in the game.... then pls dont call me a noob... & cheers!!!
I find the fusion core idea stupid to begin with, because Lore-wise, the fusion cores could last centuries before running out of juice. If balance was the idea behind it, they could of made it harder to obtain power armor pieces, and even made each piece require an x amount of parts. They could also make it only obtainable end-game like it was in Fallout 1&2.