Before I knew what I was doing:
Int 5, Agl 3. Everything straight 4s.
I later trained up Chrisma 2 and strength 1. Only perks I really pay attention too are the crafting ones (gun nut, armorer, science, and blacksmith. Plus 1 in medic, 2 in big sale, and both local leader traits).
Now that I do know what I'm doing, and on second run:
S 6 (I want that carry weight perk. Plus armorer and blacksmith.)
P 3 (Lockpicking is going to be a thing. I'd put it at 4, but since I'll encounter the bobblehead very early on I can leave it here.)
E 4 (Eh, not really important except for that water breathing thing. I can use the SPECIAL book to bump it up to 5)
C 6 (This is important. Have to be at least C6 to get local leader because that's vital)
I 6 (Science!)
A 1 (About the only reason you'd need agility is for VATS or stealth. But I have no use for either of those.)
L 2 (again, not really important. The only perks I even bother with are scrounger and Fortune Finder. But even then it's very low priority)