I am fully aware aware of the two codes that you generally use....ie........tm > tfc. However doing so also hides your character, so what is the solution to takinfgscreenshots of your character with out the HUD present?
I am fully aware aware of the two codes that you generally use....ie........tm > tfc. However doing so also hides your character, so what is the solution to takinfgscreenshots of your character with out the HUD present?
you have to be in third person view to see your character when using tfc
This is probably your problem. Always make sure you're in third person before taking those delicious screenshots.
First, you have to be in 3rd person mode.
Hit '~' to bring up the console.
Type 'tfc' to toggle Free Camera on. You can type 'tfc 1' to freeze time.
Type 'tm' to Toggle Menus (i.e. the HUD) off. You won't be able to see the console anymore, but it is still there.
Hit '~' again to close the console.
Now you can move the camera around and take screenshots. When you are finished, hit '~' to bring up the console again. It will still be invisible.
Type 'tm' hit Enter, then 'tfc' or 'tfc 1' and hit Enter. Hit '~' to close the console, and you'll be back to normal.
Exactly this. Also, if you find the camera zips around too quickly to get the precise angle you want, type 'sucsm 2' into the console to slow it down. The default speed is 10, so anything less than that should be fine - I tend to use 2 - 3 to set close ups like this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/3134/?
I knew all of that beforehand.. The problem now is the [censored] character won't stand still long enough to take a screenshot. In fact, the [censored] turns away.
Heh, easy to say for pc users. How to actually take a screenshot on ps4 so that you have your damn weapon in the hands? It only allows rotation after you remove the weapon.
You're overcomplicating this...go into options, turn the HUD slider all the way down.
I also add FOV 40 to give better field of vision. Just type FOV again to reset.
NOTE, this screws up the Pipboy view for me and I have to open the PB, then go to console and type FOV 80, then out again to fix it. It's a little thing but annoying.
In every other game of Bethesda's taking screenshots of your character was a no brainer. Thus, this is a problem Bethesda needs to fix. Jesus Christ as it is just about every key on the keyboard is being used for something. It's damn maddening.
not sure if you missed it, but you can use 'tfc 1' to freeze time as LateWhiteRabbit said, if your character keeps moving around
Use 'tfc 1' instead of 'tfc'. It will freeze time, and your character will not move.