What opinions do people have of it? Is the rifle using the right in game model, is it supposed to look damn near identical to the shotgun? i get a real world argument to have familiarity of layout and all but Fallout doesn't care about that with water cooled assault rifles and whatever the extra crap on the 10mm is supposed to be. In general i just find the rifle so strange, its a .45 pistol cartridge sniper carbine that was theoretically the standard issue infantry weapon? Nothing on it looks scaled right unless you max out gun nut and re-chamber it for 308. which, whow, re-chambering something to go from a pistol round to a full size rifle round...
I could see it originally being a 5mm or 5.56mm that could be upgraded to .308 until someone decided those ammos where too rare and there was already a 5.56 rifle in the same niche.
As soon as i saw it i knew it was going to be the first thing i replaced with a weapon mod to change its looks, just waiting for the community to knock something out for it.