I mean think about it? Base building, developing little farms that produce food, water etc. How much more meaningful would these features be if they were also essential for your own character, meeting one of your own essential needs. You would now have a personal interest in seeing farms flourish!
It would add a extra satisfying layer to everything you do and work towards in Fallout 4. It's a natural fit!
I've recently come fresh from playing The Long Dark (a survival game) - and it's something that I would so love to see in Fallout.
Taking in your inventory a sleeping bag perhaps, you would have to find a safe place to sleep, to place your sleeping bag on the ground allowing you to sleep - to recover from severe wounds.
Maybe before entering into another combat situation, you would have to hunt some mongrel dogs for food, stock up on supplies.
Or how cool it is when you drink radiated water ( I love that) - I mean as the game stands at present tho, you never need to slurp water in the waste land as there's so many other ways to buff your health!
Every time I think of Fallout playing this way -- I think wow, it needs to happen, it would be awesome!