In the current patch we have been updated to fix what could have been a bug or oversight in keybinding and in fixing it may for others and definitely for me cause an issue. There was a fix to allow for the reload/transfer button to be remapped correctly but I (in my deluded view) thought that transfer being bound to "r" and my reload being bound to "mouse4" was a really good and convenient rebinding and now that the patch has been downloaded (and no way to revert to previous) both transfer and reload are bound to the same key so I understand the need of some to need to multibind functions to the same key (which should be a feature) but for me I would like to have the ability to break some of the multibinds into multiple keys even if it was shifted to being on the launcher to alter what multibinds are broken so not to over clutter the ingame bindings menu.
I do appreciate the work that the team has been doing to correct this issue for the individuals that have been adversely affected by it but in doing so have caused more than just an inconvenience for some of us. I am aware that I may be in the minority in this but this lack of being able to remove multibinds flies in the face of part of the advantage that we gain by opting to play on PC. In many ways it also hurts BGS's reputation in my eyes since the focus has in the past (prior to Skyrim) been PC first and port to console not the other way around.
Appreciate you reading through the small rant (whoever you are)