**This contains major spoilers**
So With the help of my minuteman contact to build the portal device, without telling the railroad or BOS about anything (I already joined Both of them), I met father.
Father gave me a quest to meet five or so doctors, I did.
Whenever I go further than the first dialog with the Botanist (the one that talks about the synth monkeys) the quest Insitutionalized finishes and all the people in the room instantly turn into my enemy and shoot at me, regaurdless of dialog option.
Also if I bypass that by not going further than the first dialog, I beleive the insitute has completely broken, I wanted to join them but now the quest is over, there is no followup, and im told to exit the insitute.
When I exit the insitute and talk to preston the institute attacks castle and then they talk about finding a way to get back at them.
If I reload my save and try to talk to father again, he asks me yet again if i have "reconsidered my choice" if i hit Yes i want to join, he just tells me to go meet his doctors, AGAIN, this time with no quest starting.
And after that his dialog is always "maybe our synths can retake the wasteland one day".
Pretty sure its broken.