Respawn supposed to be?

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:52 pm


I visited Lexington early in my game, looted some stuff, went to Mystic Pines, but skipped Super Duper and Corvega. Now, about 10 levels later I go back there, and everything has respawned. Even the items are exactly like before. The door to the basemant in Mystic Pines was locked again.

I don't mind some kind of respawn, i.e. new raiders or creatures moving in, but the exact same enemies and weapons, loot and even locked doors?

Is this supposed to be? How can I turn it off?



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luis ortiz
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:31 pm

Guessing here, but its probably done to save memory. By resetting zones to their default settings, the game doesn't have to remember as much. In previous games eventually this would cause massive slowdowns for people with 100+ hours to save file.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:01 am

Doors/containers do relock and the area gets repopulated with same type of enemies but they defenatly dont have same gear(however since areas do semm to have a top lvl-they only scale up to a certain lvl you will never get any real amazing gear from a respawned low lvl area-except perhaps some nice legendary weapon since some weapons that drop on low lvl are still very good at high lvls when corectly upgraded)

You can not turn off the respawn at least not in vannila game, am sure some mod will eventualy tweak it a bit or even a lot but youll have to wait for GECK release for that,

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