Dunwich Quarry Aim Bug?

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:11 pm

When I approached the Dunwich Quarry (near Hugo's Hole) I peeked around a corner on the stairway up to one of the elevated buildings on the outer, top, perimeter, and immediately found myself in water. I moved around a bit and fell through the world and died.

I do not know if that somehow caused the resulting problem but thereafter, I could line up the crosshairs on a raider's head and completely miss. And I don't mean once or twice but nearly EVERY time. I finally just reloaded before I approached the area and skipped it for now. It's almost like the foes are not where they visually appear to be, so when my crosshairs are squarely on target, that's not ~actually~ where the foe is located. My VATS accuracy svcks, so I raraely use it, so I am not sure if VATS could circumvent the problem or not.

Anyone run into this inability to hit what you aim at?

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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:31 pm

Not specifically, but I have sometimes had to aim way off-center to get the activation message(where I hit E on the pc) to show up for somethings.

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Lil Miss
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