I don't get the impression that he paid for two titan x gpus to play in the 40fps range.
I don't get the impression that he paid for two titan x gpus to play in the 40fps range.
It should at least be able to scale up to 1080p 60fps. Beyond that limitations are fairly understandable.
All done (not my first rodeo ) As I previously said I get down to 60-70% usage on 1 card in some areas.
It should still be using the gpu to it's fullest extent. I can vividly see the difference between 90fps and 40 fps, I don't need my osd to tell me that.
Is the game fundamentally broken in some parts of the map? Do others see usage drops?
I play at 1440
Its not that its broken, but its more along the lines that that the more scripts the game engine has to run, the harder the hit to framerates. This is CPU, not GPU. Even if as you say the GPU was maxed out, the CPU would still be the cause of some if not most frame rate drops. Basically, if its being rendered and it moves, there are scripts being loaded and ran.
So, you can put the biggest honking Titan XXXX card in your rig and your still going to experience frame rate drops in this game. Which is why most of us who have been around Fallout games (and Skyrim and Oblivion) clamp frame rates if the drops are bothersome.
according to your logic it is the CPUs bottlenecking the system, thus leading to those inexplicable drops in fps. so why is it then that even on system with a 6th generation i7 and ample RAM the exactly same thing occurs ? I didnt build a 3000$+ rig to see all my hardware idling at 30% usage tops while I am getting 30 fps...
And please dont start blaming it on mods...all that peeps are running are a couple of texture mods (which all use textures that have been significantly optimized for performance over the vanilla ones) - cause there are no scripted mods yet - so that cant be it either...
My Cpu was hitting 80% on one core so the CPU had plenty of room. The fact that none of you have admitted to having the same issue makes me think it's just me with this issue.
I thought you kinda understood that I was backing you up because I had the same issue. I'm on a 970 SSC and an i5 4690k overclocked to 4.2GHz. Same slowdowns, same areas. I'm only doing 1080p though, and I can get drops down to 20-30fps sometimes.