CTD near Trinity Tower

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:31 pm

Yesterday, I had an issue where FO4 crashed to the desktop near Trinity Tower while on my way to clear a locale for the Brotherhood of Steel. I submitted a support ticket but couldn't attach my dxdiag file thanks to a glitch/error on the Bethesda support site. Ridiculous. My PC specs far exceed the minimum/recommended specs in order to run FO4. Is anyone else having this issue like I am?

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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:48 pm

When the game crashes approaching a specific place, it can be for many reasons, none of which have anything to do with your hardware. If it was hardware, it would crash in other places.

Things to try:

1. If your running any mods, disable them

2. If your on a quest, do another part of the quest if possible, like if your asked to talk to two people, talk to the other one first

3. Wait somewhere for 73 hours (that should be enough time to clear out any hanging scripts)

4. If your fast traveling to a place and get a crash, travel to someplace close and walk up the last part

Finally, with a Nod to the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rksCTVFtjM4, Reboot your PC, then reload the game and try it again.

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Lifee Mccaslin
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