Some context: I was in the Saugus Ironworks and had an enemy I killed fall into one of the Molten Vats... I still wanted to loot him but couldn't get close enough so I turned on God Mode (/tgm) and dived into the vat, well ever since then my character has a permanent graphical glitch, I am assuming it's some bloody skeleton protruding through my character's body, well I wouldn't think anything of it except that when I go into sneak mode a large section of screen is obscured by this bloody gibs. Screenshots in the link below:
I figured the console got me into this mess, but I am curious if there's a command to get me out? Something that reset my character's visuals to get rid of this? I'm guessing since you're not supposed to survive falling in a Molten Vat that a fix for this anomaly wasn't really prioritized. Any help on this would be appreciated!