Numpad hot keys no longer working?

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:39 pm

So I haven't played FO4 for a few days and I noticed there was an update, now when I try to switch weapons using my numpad it just doesn't work any more.

apparently one of the things that was supposed to be changed in the patch is the ability to remap keys to numpad? (apparently that was an issue, even though before the patch I could use the numpad just fine)

so how do I remap the keys? Google is no help with this since its only giving me pre patch links.

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:27 pm

Using the Fallout 4 script extender (F4SE) you can remap keys. Here is my CustomControlMap settings:

Everything is the same as default except that you can use the numpad again.

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Killer McCracken
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:34 pm

yep I just went through the motions of figuring that out.

For reference to any one else who may have this problem and is reading this:

So I was able to dig up a fix. its slightly tedious but its better than waiting and being annoyed.
1) download F4SE here:
2) extract the files in your fallout4 directory, which should be something like: OS(c:)/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/fallout4
3) open up the "CustomControlMap" file. There you can edit all of the key maps but what you're looking for is going to be the quickkey option on the second row of the notepad document.
4) you then need to change the hexadecimal values of the quickkey options from the number row to the numberpad. the values are as following
1: 0x61
2: 0x62
3: 0x63
4: 0x64
5: 0x65
6: 0x66
7: 0x67
8: 0x68
9: 0x69
0: 0x60
5) now you need to save this document as "CustomControlMap" in the directory of /Fallout 4/Data/F4SE
If you don't have that directory then you need to create it.
6) launch the game using F4se.exe and you should be good to go.
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