Sweet, never thought to try that but it seems so obvious now.
thats what im worried about. had a friend say he couldnt get it to work on built wires but he hasnt tried pre-existing
Yeah, the image looks like - but it's hard to tell - Hangman's Alley (maybe), and the wiring looks new, because it's run between connectors on those stalls. I'm now trying to figure out how this was done it Sofajockey's testing reports that it can't be done.
Its just like putting the yellow wall lights on the small power poles
It has to be a mod some PC gamer who is a modder made for the PC version of Fallout 4?
I mean there was a wiring mod that makes wires go longer than what vanilla Fallout 4 allows from what I saw about 3 day ago on the Nexus mods website Fallout 4 section.