Essentially, as of this evening, I am no longer able to play Fallout 4 on my PS4.
I've looked through these forums to see if anyone else was having similar issues, with no luck, so I am starting a new thread in hopes that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...
Everything was fine up until this morning.... When I generally save my game, I use quicksave most of the time. From time to time, I do use the save game button, and there are 3 saved games which are numbered, which I end up overwriting. I don't feel the need to have more than 3 saved games for the same character. I noticed this morning, that after using the quicksave feature, I was unable to actually click on the "SAVE" button at the main menu, when I did, nothing happened. It didn't open up a list of my save game data like it normally does. It was like the game was unresponsive. So I continued to use quicksave for the next hour or so until I had to go to work. I was hoping that quicksave would be enough, but I was wrong.
I returned home this evening, and when I clicked on "LOAD" and then "show all saves" - nothing happened. So then I went back, and clicked "Continue" from the main menu, and it asked me to confirm. I clicked confirm, and then the loading screen appeared, and stayed at the loading screen for a good solid 20 minutes before I closed application, and tried something else.
Thinking that perhaps my saved game data was corrupt for whatever reason, I downloaded my freshest save game data from online storage, and tried to load one of those - same deal though, the load button won't even let me see which game I am selecting to load. So, the continue button was the only option I had. No dice there, loading screen for 20 minutes again.
So I uninstalled the game, and then deleted all the saved game data - fresh install, downloaded the patch, everything went ok, until I clicked on NEW, to create a new game and character. Loading screen for 20 minutes before I decided to officially give up for the night.
I'm thinking it's not my saved game data at all, that it's the game for whatever reason.
Any ideas on what I can do to troubleshoot this ? I'd hate to say I wasted my money on a game that I no longer have the option to enjoy.