Pipboy is no longer visible. Unable to play game.

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:18 pm

It seems this bug is months old. It occured today after applying the new patch on PS4. When I hit "o". The pipboy does not appear. If I am in power armor, the pipboy display does appear. The problem seems related to the VATS upgrade on the power armor helmet. I'm not certain but it seems all saves before I applied this upgrade, have the PIP boy working. The issue occured right after applying the most recent update.

Given that I need the pip boy for inventory, mapping, and questing, the game is completely broken for me. I can't use the power armor PIP boy to change apparel items so, it's completely broken there too.

I did an extensive search on this bug and to my chagrin, it's been around for a while. The more disappointing aspect is that I didn't see it addressed once by Bethesda with the exception of one request from Bethesda to a user to "private message me".

I have been playing Destiny for the last 2 years.. The customer support and response to bugs from Bungie was amazing. When there was a bug, this glaring, it was openly recognized, and at least acknowledged as under evaluation. C'mon guys, remember the fans. It's about more than the initial sale.

I guess, I'm going back to Destiny until this is fixed. If The Division roles out before then, then I'll be sad that Fallout 4, wasn't completed like 1,2 and 3.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:22 am

When you pressed the "O" button to open the Pip-Boy, do you see the Pip-Boy button prompts on the bottom of the screen? When I get it, I just hit Quicksave and load it, which fixes it. I've had it happen maybe three times in 50+ hours, and save/reload worked each time.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:51 pm

i′m having a quest related game crash, it′s pretty sad that the company gives 0 Support to the players, fallout 3 is still my favourite game EVER ! , Bethesda, you should really attend to your costumers!!

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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:35 pm

Those things take time. I know it svcks to have to wait for a lot of things to be fixed. Specially things that prevents us to complete quests, or brake immersion.

But Bethesda is working on it. It's hard to fix a game this large without compromising anything else, or adding more problems to the list. And It takes time, to fix and time to test to see if it's really fixed.

I'm not putting my hand on Bethesda and saying they are perfect. But If their promises to release smaller and more frequent patches, rather than big ones that can take weeks or months is real, I hope to see more fixes still this year.

For those complaining about loading freezing. After the patch, my first loading screen took almost 4 minutes. Probable because it was still working around some things of the game. After that the game worked.

I know that there are some physical copies of the game that have some problems, and maybe, some of the problems, quest related and all, can't be fixed if you're already stuck in it. svcks, but can happen in a game this big.

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