Why Do You Do This to Me I Hate You....kind of

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:01 pm

I have been able to properly go into this game for the last three days at a friends, sleeping over.

And it really just. I can go over the many story issues I have with the story, but I do that in other threads or the dialogue. But I am attribruting this thread to two things that really hindered me as a player.

I remember someone on here wrote the 5 different types of RPGrs. I am a specialist, method actor, storyteller. Which means as a specialist, I like to choose a certain build for a character and stick with it. It seems though as I was playing this game, it becomes very blatant that Bethseda only catered to one type due to my experiences.

The second one is in the labs, where you get employment despite there being a nuclear explosion by a robot. Once again open a door and swarm of feral ghouls comes out of the door, already aggro.

Actually you know, what [censored] the Ghouls in general. They are the worse to try and play anything stealth wise, with gangs of them coming out windows and coming back from lying on the ground, sleeping I presume.

The second thing is the lack of reward. I am the type of guy, who goes delving into buildings on my own accord. Out of my own curiosity. I tend to find secret little passages, or strange delves and very little time do they reward me with anything beside 5 stimpaks and a bobby pin. Oh joy.

I am talking about these doors that are super hard, or me ending up somewhere on the roofs, and able to jump point to point. Where are the rewards for the explorer. I am not just talking Vault Tech lunchboxes either.

I mean something beside bobby pins. There's no point in going into all these empty buildings, if all I am going to get is a roll of duct tape.

But then, I love this game because of the tiny details. And the attention to detail in every corner. I am frustrated with the way it plays sometimes, but then there are small rare moments where it pulls me back in and I am enjoying myself.

I need to let out some thoughts and vent a bit,

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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:34 pm

You know, there's a sticky right at the top of the forum saying "http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1555618-do-not-post-spoilers-in-this-board/". Why is so hard for people to pay attention to it?

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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:31 am

There was no spoilers. I can easily edit it, but I made sure that I didn't include any spoilers.


Didn't have to be rude about it, I edited it out

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Tyler F
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:39 am

Stealth characters can be quite powerful in this game, but it sounds like you feel ammunition starved (if you have two points of luck, there's a perk which can help you with that but there are other options, also).

But, also, sometimes you run into opponents where you just need to run away.

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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:12 pm

I decided to be a stupid ass, and use melee, like switchblades and batons this playthrough. Was not a good idea.

And when I say rewards, I mean magazines, and awesome weapons. I mean I walk into this place, there's a NPC, with a name I try to talk to him, this dude just attacks me, thought he'd have something worth it on him. Nope. not at all.

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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:52 pm

Those rolls of duct tape are some of the most valuable items in the game they break down into adhesive & as far as bobby pins go I cant tell you how many locked containers / doors I have picked & found very nice loot inside it's all in how you use what you have. And as far as the preferred play style it's all about the perks you take they make all the difference in the world

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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:02 am

Well I am still at a low level, so its all my perks are at the starting.

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