(I made a account and all because of this so this is my first post sorry if its bad)
So on the quest "The Nuclear Option" you fight you way threw the Institute if your siding with the brotherhood.
Once you enter the reactor room you place the bomb and then elder speaks and you get beamed out.
Once on the out side it said's talk to Ingram...
Well problem is she is still inside and there is no way back in
You could jump in the hole but nothing happens
There's more
After this you can't fast travel anywhere (i think this is because the game still thinks you inside the building)
Also the map marker is broken it said's shes outside but she isn't and when you do follow the marker it takes you to the Mass Fusion building.
Which another glitch happens...
If you attempt to take the elevator to the top you fall threw it once its done loading...
I took the time to get the flying object glitch and float to the top...
it was a waste of time there was nothing at the top only the switch that you cant use...
I do have a Youtube video i took straight from my PS4 when i got to the top on my channel (Thtrandomgamer) if you want to see how it is
This bug is gamebreaking seeing as you cant really do anything after is happening
and no the latest update did not fix this
Also you get Elder Maxis Following you after this as well
Please from the bottom of my heart please fix this i love fallout 4 but this has stopped my progress in the game.
(Please spread this around if this has happened to you so we can get this fixed)