Great game!...just 2 bugs I've noticed:

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:00 pm

Enjoying the crap out of this game, but, I feel like I'd be doing others a disservice by not reporting them. (Sorry if they have already be reported, I didn't feel like digging.)

1. "Institutionalized" bug during "From Within" - if you find Virgil's holotape before you talk to Li, you can't progress Institutionalized any further. Have to talk to her first.

2. During "Spoils of War" the roof of Mass Fusion glitched out multiple times while jumping from the Vertibird. I ended up falling through the roof, all the way to the ground, and none of the buildings were rendered correctly.

That's all I got!!! Thanks for the great game! :fallout: Time to go kill some Mirelurks! :gun:

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ashleigh bryden
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