An open letter to Gstaff: Asia R3 Patches Situation

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:52 pm

Hello Gstaff,

We appreciate it if you could give us an update on the Asia R3 region patches situation, it's been a month since game released. and we are two patches behind as of now.

Asia is a huge market for profit, I'm sure the higher up management would care about profit, if the whole region won't be interested to purchase Bethesda games in the future because they don't have confidence in your company due to this current issue, the longer this drags on, the worse it is going to be. I'm sure they would feel it's an important issue to handle this in an effective and timely manner, please help us let the upper management know about our concern, as this should be, Bethesda's concern as well, ultimately your investors and stock holder's concern.

Thank you.


From a fan who loves Bethesda games, purchased Fallout 4 enthusiastically on Day 1

But feels neglected as we don't get fair treatment compared to other regions in the world

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Chris Ellis
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