My game keeps completely freezing everytime I enter the area just north-east of CIT.
This is where I need to get to for my quest to kill a courser.
I am level 45 and waited quite a while before doing the main missions.
I have tried reloading from 20 minutes before over and over and tried different things for the last 2 days.
I really enjoy this game, but do not want to start over after close to 5 days gameplay on this file.
I would appreciate if you have any suggestions.
Prior to this for a few days my settlements were also giving some wack readings. when I would check in my Pip boy it owuld say some have 0 def and 25 settlers when they only had like 13 settlers and def 60 something.
I tried getting rid of valentine as my companion back at Virgils lab in the glowing sea. It still seemed to freeze. If I quicksave or enter a building in a slightly larger diameter around the freeze zone, it also freezes.
PLease contact me with any suggestions regarding this issue.
I already power cycled my Xbox and uninstalled/ re-installed fallout. It stil happens.
If nothing else hopefully the patch this week may fix it.
If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
- A loving, but frustrated fan