Downloading ~ 200mb right now.
Can't find any notes at all.
Someone else more lucky?
Edit: Notes have been found. \o/
Downloading ~ 200mb right now.
Can't find any notes at all.
Someone else more lucky?
Edit: Notes have been found. \o/
No clue... steam just downloaded 200mb replacing/updating:
Fallout4 - Animations.ba2
Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2
as far as i can tell.
Well, that looks like it might be it. Any notes on Steam about it?
Beta update 1.2.37
General memory and stability improvements
Performance improvements inside the Corvega Assembly Plant
Fixed issue with player becoming stuck in terminals
Nothing... thats why i'm wondering a little.
What version do u have in settings?
Did they update the beta update? ^^ I installed it days ago.
Ah, found it, thanks!
1.2.30 was my version last time I played (haven't had time since Sunday).
So this is another Beta update (not a released PC one)? Just trying to confirm (I have Beta enabled and played early this morning with no download).
Never mind....I see it's a Beta release number.
I'm not doing the beta thing and I keep Steam in offline mode so I still have the day one version. Has there been a general release patch yet or is it all still beta?
Generally I like to wait on patches until everyone else tests the waters and modders have time to update their mods for the latest patch ... though I only have one mod installed right now to stop Preston Garvey from giving me a new quest every time I talk to him.