The game is too easy on survival mode :sadvaultboy:

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:43 pm

First of all, I absolutely love the game and think you did an amazing job Bethesda. Some background info just so you know where I come from, I play the fallout series since FO1 (1997) and every release sofar beside FO:NV. Also I play on PC.

To make the game more challenging I started day 1 on "harder" difficulty and switched to "Survival mode" at level 15, Since 1 - 15 felt quite easy I set some rules for my playthrough to make it more challenging; pistols only, no aid items like drugs, alcohol, stealthboy's, power armor, Nuka Cola Quantum, mirelurk cakes, no defence increase perks no explosives and no use of the known exploits. However I still feel like breeze through and have the feeling the game is too easy. I can not set the game any higher then survival mode so I tweaked what I could, with mods to increase detection by enemies, I made the game darker, lowered the world lighting with 25% so I dont see the NPC's 16 miles away at night and in dark buildings if there is no light source (removed ambient cell lighting so I only have lights that are from actual sources) Increased radiation values. made Radaway and stimpacks gains and decreases slower then default.

I know ofc that the game was made for a broad audience including console players who are penalized by playing a shooter without mouse and keyboard but imo Survival mode should be well :/ Survival. A struggle, edge of the seat stuff barely hanging on a thread of life managing to hit that 1 impossible shot and survive and it just isnt :sadvaultboy:. @ survival I can 1 shot a mirelurk queen with a sneak attack with a pipe pistol (non sneak it is about 6 shots, and when I get detected by super mutants it takes 1 or 2 10mm hits in the head to kill them

So I guess this is a request to add a hardcoe survival mode. For us old school players who love the teeth grinding challenge. Lower the player armor efficiency by say 25-30%, lower the player damage output of weapons by 10-15% Up the damage of enemies 10-20% or/and increase their detection settings and weapon accuracy.

Please +1 this if you want this too

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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:48 pm

PS: If you need playthrough testers for a hardcoe survival mode drop me a whisper. I would love to help tweak out the numbers and been a Alpha/Beta tester for multiple titles since 1998

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clelia vega
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:25 am

I feel like it's at least way harder than F3 and F:NV

I'm level ~32 atm and I still have big problems with some enemies

facing more than 2 Super Mutants at the same moment means running away or having to spam Stimpacks to survive

creatures like Deathclaws or Mirelurk Queens are completely impossible alone ^^

and I'm not even playing on survival :o just 'very hard'

F3 and F:NV on the other hand became very easy even at level 10

the VATS that we had was way too overpowered even with mods like Project Nevada

F4 feels way harder... the only complaint that I have, is that there are way too many Stimpacks ^^

It feels not really immersive to be able to spam them :/

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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:12 am

Don't worry. Come next year, there will be mods that make Survival mode look like Easy mode.
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Lauren Denman
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