Yes, you need a number of posts under your belt, (and I believe the account may have to be active for a day or two) before you are allowed to post links. This is to keep the swarm of spam-bots down to a more manageable level, unfortunately.
All your questions are answered in a sticky at the top of the forums.
Reading is fun.
I don't know why OP, I cant seem to quote anyone or copy paste text its annoying.
And had you read the rules you agreed to abide by when you joined the forum, you would know that we do not allow anyone to flame or insult other members.
I'm unsure of how many posts and how long it takes to post a link btw but if you post flames like this we will wipe out your posts and you can start all over.
Your topic is closed for flaming. I suggest you just enjoy the forum until you can post links.