With the ballistic weave instead of the crappy battered fedora...
Also speaking of the ballistic weave, did you guys kind of screw it up? 'cuz I sure feel annoyed when I see the damn upgraded fedora has more defense than my commando helmet...
With the ballistic weave instead of the crappy battered fedora...
Also speaking of the ballistic weave, did you guys kind of screw it up? 'cuz I sure feel annoyed when I see the damn upgraded fedora has more defense than my commando helmet...
Okay, like the military fatigues? Because I can upgrade those and wear armor on top, if those can be upgraded, so could the rest.
I just don't get it, was the ballisitic weave meant to be only for outfits and hats in order to match a full set of body armor parts? Either way in the current state of the game there is absolutly no point in wearing a courser outfit for example, because yes, you can upgrade it but it can't match the bonus given by a fully ugraded military fatigues + body armor parts.
You can already do that ...
Army fatigues can be upgraded with ballistic weave and worn under armour.
Edit: ninja'd by yoomazir
Military fatigues, army fatigues and dirty army fatigues, there are probably more that can be upgraded and worn under armour. I just know of those 3 so far. Doubt it is a bug when there are several that can do this.
Edit: remembered dirty army fatigues.
I'd thought i heard you could and was disappointed I'd lost or sold mine. Guess I feel better about that. I didn't know some hats upgraded. I'm kind of partial to a fancy top hat which does not even register in crafting and have been thinking about taking Hancocks pirate hat but not into the fedora. I'll have to check more of them. The hairpiece would be cool to upgrade too for those who dont want to see a hat. There are a bunch of cool hats. We should be able to do them all. There is some Ballistic weave that can have armor over it why not all? Still less DR than PA and altogether it weighs a ton. (Seems to be more obtrusive later.) It is still kind of silly and unfair that you cant have the clothes you want under your armor and I'd hate for them to take away the one you can. It happens to be one of the worst possible looking clothes you can get.
edit: good to know there are more choices but there should be more and I should be able to wear a tuxedo under armor. You do need level 4 armor before you can max it out too.
Nice, thanks for the list. Gives more options and some different Special increases too.
I'd be happy if I could just upgrade the BoS uniform.
Yeah I can't figure out why they were left out when the military/army ones can be upgraded. Gunners stuff to for that matter.
It's weird that some full outfits cannot be upgraded at all and have low defense but the tattered rags can be upgraded and also be worn under armor...
I think this is for lore, not balance. All the items that can be upgraded are made of fiber ("cloth") while items like the Vault Suit and BoS uniform appear to be leather or maybe some kind of latex.
That said, there's no good reason a layer of kevlar (or whatever this stuff is supposed to be) couldn't be stitched to the inside of something made of leather or whatever.
How's this for inconsistency? You can upgrade the Clean Blue Suit, the Clean Grey Suit and the Clean Tan Suit but not the Clean Black Suit.
I mean, really?
I upgraded my Vault Suit with a better normal map today, better butt crack normal map....Looks just like a Fallout 3 vault suit now.