» Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:39 pm
The distance enemy AI turrets shoot you 'by playing the game' is far, far shorter than the max range of elevated turrets in settlements. So if you just played and assumed range was same, you'd be wrong.
The angle just 'playing the game' xp teaches you turrets fire from are almost always designed by the level designers to give you, the player, a good chance go avoid. Every scripted turret has a line of sight block you can come up at it from, and the open terrain ones are gimped by detection range in first answer.
To OP -
1-missile turrets have a scanning direction and arc - the long barrel end points to front. What it scans or is alerted by other turret Ai, it shoits in 360 LOS. Elevated missiles have huge range and farthest reach in my xp. You want to face scan arc in likely direction to minimize firing time.
2 and 3- never bothered with non heavy versions so cant say re them. But of HMG, HL, and missile - the ranges seem longest for missile, then HL a bit but not huge amount more than HMG. All have what would be really long sniper rifle range+
Elevated turrets esp have very long range.
My turrets on the opposite side of river in Sanctuary on elevated platforms - will fire upon and hit Red Rocket attackers.
Using starlight drive as a known range example - HL and missile turrets placed on top of the diner will fire and hit clear across to the movie screen area if attackers spawn just to either side of the screen from the road.
Missiles are 360 LOS x-axis You will actually see the barrel not even turn in that direction but missiles will start to shoot from the sides. Either a bug or animation delay, but practical effect is 360 LOS arc. Range is noted above. Y-axis seems the weakness. Not sure of exact angle but the arc down or up is not a full 180 degrees but by always placing elevated and on a slope down, like off normal slopes of settlement roofs you make Y up axis a moot issue, and the slope down adds to allow near straight down fire if needed.
4- hard to replicate test. In practical terms, ive yet to have a settler die by my own missiles and i go turret crazy (400+ defense in sanctuary due to huge water farm). But i always face my missiles towards initial contact points and only use HL and HMG for inward facing fire.