Cleared locations repopulate waaayyyy too quickly

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:28 pm

With the sheer amount of locations this game offers I find this thread amusing at best. Its completely your choice, don't go back to a location if you're upset by a faster respawn or go back a month or so (game time) later. There are literally tonnes of areas you can go in this game, or work on a settlement or fifteen.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:51 pm

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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:02 pm

Game engine is broken from what I'm seeing in this regards. I've not had enemies respawn, but, I have seen specific items in the game world and certain safes/doors reset within seconds of leaving the area and coming back. The newest patch worked for me, for an hour and then is started again.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:53 am

But the game itself keeps on conspiring to send near -- or often directly to -- locations that have already been "Cleared". For example, I've spent most of 200+ hours working on establishing, building up, and defending settlements. Part of that involves establishing Supply routes. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to create any route that does not pass near a map location (re)populated by baddies that think provisioners and their pack brahmas were meant for Target Practice. Then too, if a player uses fast travel to take shortcuts to current destinations -- which is what fast travel was designed for, to be used -- the method is to use a known location (Cleared) as a stepping stone to the new destination. But if a Cleared location has repopulated, that can often result in literally jumping into a firefight -- with foes that had theoretically been killed off.

As I have already said, why even bother to label any location as "Cleared"? It should instead be labeled "Known".

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