*sees 4 valuable Gamebryo's laying on the ground*
*picks up 1 Gamebryo*
*all other Gamebryo's fall through the ground gone forever*
BGS. BGS never changes.
*sees 4 valuable Gamebryo's laying on the ground*
*picks up 1 Gamebryo*
*all other Gamebryo's fall through the ground gone forever*
BGS. BGS never changes.
I like the name Gamebryo, I will name a cat Gamebryo. Or Gamebrio, to be classy.
Yup. Always grab the item you really want first. Still can't decorate my home. Etc. Don't use energy weapons much, are ash piles still permanent?
I dismantled my Pip-Boy for the plastic
My wife was pissed since I spent over a hundred dollars on it.
Can you believe how much fricking LOOT there is in this game world! I wonder if they have some sort of catalogue of every fricking piece of junk they placed all over this place?
I've found skulls in toilets, jet inhalers hidden inside car tires, bobby pins laying randomly out on the road, packs of abraxo cleaner inside lockers that were just _barely_ ajar, literally EVERYWHERE you look, you need to look in every direction to make sure you find all that junk. It almost drives me insane every time I clear a badguy lair that nagging concern that "maybe I didn't get every single tin can, rusty bucket, and torque rod end???" Should I go back for a second pass???
To be clear, the physics is Havok, not Creation Engine (or Gamebryo, or NetImmerse, for that matter, although they did not use Havok with NetImmerse).
They've done something very different in Fallout 4 as far as physics, almost a cross between almost no physics like Morrowind and full Havok like Oblivion, etc. Initially, I thought they had decided to remove Havok but according to the credits, it is still used. It's far less prominent, though, or perhaps it has been radically changed (it did just change ownership, after all).
If items aren't falling through the tables, it's when you pick up an item & all other items around it lift off the table. The same was true for fallout 3 & Skyrim. Can't believe this is still an issue after all these years. Bethesda physics... Bethesda physics never changes.
Eh, it's better than it was in Skyrim. And is it just me, or was Oblivion actually fine for the most part? I never really noticed the exploding knick-knack syndrome that people complain about.
Are you people turning vsync off, or editing the ini? I have yet to see something fall through tables or shelves. Stacking items can cause them to jiggle and do weird things, though.
I play on PS4 so I can't edit anything and still have this problem.
It's happened to me in just about every 3D game I've ever played. I once had a sword fall through the ground in World of Warcraft. In fact, my character has fallen through the ground and ended up in a void on more than one occasion in WoW, The Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins, and other games. This issue is not unique to Gamebryo.
And when you do go back it might have respawned and have to start from scratch again.
I think Fred Sanford would be right at home in this game