Lots of talk about Fallout 4 itself, but very little about the newly added mini games we can play on our Pip Boy that make reference to some of the old retro games we all know and love. I personally like playing them every so often when my character is resting back at home in Red Rocket or for the night in one of the towns. svck at Red Menace and Atomic Command as I do with the original Donkey Kong and Missile Command, however love playing Zeta Invaders and Pipfall.
Although despite how much I like playing these games on occasion, I still can't help but to miss some other types of mini-games that could have been. New Vegas had plenty of gambling mini-games considering its setting, from black jack, roulette, and something as simple as the slots. Even had its own made up card game, Caravan. I know not many people bothered playing it because it can seem rather confusing at first, but once you got the hang of it, it was quite fun to play. I felt this was a missed opportunity for Bethesda to continue these sort of games in Fallout 4, as gambling is nothing new to the Fallout series and goes all the way back to the originals, when there was even a skill for it. In a place like Boston, you could have at least expected some sort of gambling den to take place.
So what do you think of the Pip-Boy mini-games. Do you have a favorite? Would you have liked to have seen some other mini-games to play throughout the game world that involved the traditional gambling or any other kinds of gambling (betting on Mole Rat fights perhaps)? Perhaps a return of Caravan or some other made up card game Bethesda could have done. The Witcher 3 was quite successful in introducing an extremely fun card game.