Is 'Idiot Savant' worth it with 6 Intelligence ?

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:46 pm

Hi guys.

I remembered a thing from reading a guide: if you want to power level, take Idiot Savant even if you have 10 Intelligence.

At level 27 I wanted to finally power level so I took level 1 of this perk, then at 28 I took level 2. The guy said in the guide that you save before handing out a mission then see if Idiot Savant kicks in when you do, and if not, load until it does. That worked only 1 time for me, I loaded just 3 times for this to work. On the other hand, on the next mission I loaded like ~50 times before talking to the NPC to finish the mission, and nothing.

Also, Idiot savant seems to kick in in like ~5% of the time. I'm wondering if it's worth it in the long run, maybe at level 3 ? Or should I distribute my points in other perks ? I'm not going to raise my Int higher than 6, at least not in the next 40 levels or so.

What do you guys think ?

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:55 pm

If you want extra exp take it. My current character has 11 int and it still works. I don't do the save/reload thing but randomly getting 5x exp is nice. A few days ago it only happened twice in about an 8 hr play session but it procced on legendary enemy kills both times and each one was over 400xp. I don't regret the spending the points.

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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:31 pm

Idiot savant has a 10% chance to activate if you have 1 INT. The chance decreases by 1% per level of intelligence, down to just 1% at 10 INT or higher. At your level of intelligence, rank 2 idiot savant is providing an average of 23.3% more experience points for you. Combined with your intelligence bonus, you are getting a total of 40% more experience points.

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luke trodden
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:30 pm

Thanks. That's what I wanted to find out. Numbers.

Bethesda should give numbers in this game. Not say stuff like: higher chance, even higher chance etc.

My perk triggers when killing regular raiders or mongrels so it's not fun. That's why I use the save/load method until it triggers on completing missions, when XP really counts.

If you want to save/load faster there is quick method:

1. See which is the last line of dialogue before the 'mission complete' status appears in the top left corner.

2. Back off by moving back and don't answer anything before this dialogue. You can walk out of the conversation anytime you want.

3. (Quick)save.

4. Load multiple times and answer the dialogue until 'Idiot savant' triggers and you get 3 or 5 times the experience for completing the mission. You can hurry up dialogue by pressing left mouse button or an arrow. For instant loading and no waiting in the loading screen, if you have a weaker pc, you can set the game resolution to something like 800x600. Resolution can be set in the 'Fallout4Prefs.ini' file located in 'C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4' for Win7.

Hope that helps.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:25 pm

I have to disagree there. Half the fun is working with forums and trawling the Internet to find these things out :)
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:43 pm

I disagree. Having to leave the game to learn how to play the game breaks immersion.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:31 am

Someone tested this;

With 1 intelligence and the max perk - you will recieve XP at the rate of 9 intelligence

So from there you can kinda ballpoint it.. 2 int & max perk = rate of 8, ect.

This means at 10 intelligence you'll be earning just a +1 rate to make that 11..
So, if youre building a new character.. You could sink those intelligence points into something else, but youd not get use of science! Or gun nut.. Its not w really useful perk in my opinion.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:01 am

at 11 (10 + bobblehead) intelligence it still occurs, just very rarely I could try fighting a bit with some + int gear to see if I can get it to never proc, but I think it's mostly for the low int. builds out there

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:07 pm

It that's your view why are you on a forum for this game then? Contradicts your statement, which I disagree with ;)
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